08 March 2009

the dice was loaded from the start

a very cold day, but two great models


  1. Oh, oh Heidi! You look incredible! I would run away from you in a dark alley and enjoy it.

  2. Also Joe looks like a very hot and brooding modern leaner meaner James Dean.

  3. So true Mary.. but I don't know if I would be running away! XD
    Sick picture luke, I wanna see more.

  4. Eeck! I love it. Luke these are fantastic.

    All my roommates thought Joe had gained a ton of muscle. (Which made me laugh. Not that Joe doesn't have muscle... just I like him the way he is.) ;)

    As for running away... I felt pretty fierce. };)


  5. Taking a second look, I mean...what's her name? um..."girls just wanna have fun" chick...Cindy Lauper!!!

  6. Lol... well now we know if you ever decide to do an 80's shoot that I'm your girl. Or if you need someone to play the part of the cute little girl since apparently Mary thinks I can't be punked up really. ;)


  7. You CAN'T! You're like punk kryptonite! This does not mean that you aren't photographable, however.

  8. Lol Well that's good at least. I guess you'll just have to be the punk queen my dear.


  9. Well, well. Here is my confession/compliment: At first I thought these weren't your photos. Thought you got them from somewhere else as examples of urban fashion... great work. Love them. Great models.
