11 February 2010

retro go go

i've been dinkin around with this one off and on since the fun-free-foto day back in November. also, i've been on an 80's kick lately, i don't know what it is, maybe it's a return to my childhood or maybe i've just had enough of the starkness that is the Ots. let's have more fun eh? who cares if the economy sucks and polar bears are drowning, all we need are some poppy tunes("Calculate" by Love You Long Time) and a pair of Nike Pumps!


  1. Very nice work! And here, here. . . Happy 2010!

  2. Mary should look like this all of the time.

  3. Nice shout out to LYLT! I appreciated it. And Mary does look amazing.

  4. That's it. You're coming with me so that you can make me look like this all the time, but we're going to San Francisco so that I can be a tattoo artist. With this look I think I could pull it off.
