21 March 2010

new york : finishing it up

well, there you have it, me at the top of the Empire State building. it was a dream of a trip and helped me to understand some things about myself that i may have been hesitant to accept, i can't live in Utah and be completely happy. i also saw some incredible art, and met one of my heros and many other great artists, but the best part about the whole thing was the confirmation that there is no other place like New York City.


  1. I can respect that. Utah will be lonely without you though... I'll miss your musk.

  2. Very nice - photos and post. I love the light coming underground.

    I can respect that too. I can live in Utah and be completely happy from time-to-time. But I think I told you about how sometimes, coming back to Utah County from (anywhere) out of state, makes me feel like I'm suffocating. And I ain't talkin' about air quality.

    Love you. Thanks for sharing your trip. I can't wait to hear more!

  3. I want you to photograph my life. The white walls with the glimpse of the stairs makes me think of a peep show in Paris but you're the only one there. Does that make you feel self-conscious? It should. Also, the shaft of light in the subway station (?) is awesome. I want it too large for my wall but hanging there anyway.

  4. There's a certain slant of light,
    On winter afternoons
    That oppresses, like the heft
    Of cathedral tunes.

    Heavenly hurt it gives us;
    We can find no scar,
    But internal difference
    Where the meanings, are.

  5. Amazing work. Just came from New York and am going back to live because of the incredible energy. Your photos capture so much of that experience, especially the Subway photos. I'm glad Rosemary introduced me to your work. Hope to see your work in a gallery in the meatpacking district one day.

  6. Thanks Señor Jose! I'm glad that you found my blog, and even happier that you like the photos. I agree, there is an energy in the NY that is found no where else. I hope we run into each other next time I'm out there.

    Anonymous, why so shy? A magnificent poem deserves to be credited to the magnificent author, or finder:)

    Rosemary, you are the greatest cheerleader for Juxtapose, thank you!

  7. love the photos and NY thoughts! you should most definitely jump over to my blog and give me some ideas. ;)
