11 July 2010


i would like to thank all of you, even the ones that have only been to juxtapose once, for having supported this fine blog. you have provided me an outlet for my love of fotography, and with your wonderful comments helped me to remain excited and involved in the making of fotos. recently i purchased a fancy new iPhone which has a very usable camera. in an effort to continue to push myself and develop my talent i will be focusing the majority of my fotomojo on the creation of images using the iPhone. juxtapose will still receive a wonderful post from time to time but there will be much more frequent posts over at wanderlust, the new fancy blog for my new fancy foto fone. please visit wanderlust often and leave stellar comments like those that  you have left here. thanks again!


  1. You better still be using your 7D camera. I know it's not pocketable, but it has a neck strap.

  2. Lol, oh I'll still be using it, it's too rad not too. I'll just be giving it slightly less attention in the coming months.

  3. Love this pic! Wanderlust, here we come.

  4. I love this picture! That is a very Luke face :)

  5. Have I mentioned that this is a perfect picture of you? The orange and everything.

  6. Thanks Emmy! And Mary, you haven't mentioned it, well till now, but thank you much:) I'm glad that I could capture myself, that's a weird idea.

  7. I really love the textual additions to this picture.

  8. I really love the textual additions to this picture.
